When the 2nd National Judicial Pay Commission submitted its report it was quite clear that the recommendations of 2nd judicial pay commission regarding pay structure, pension and allowances are going to be beneficial to the judges of the district judiciary by making them financially strong. At the same time the recommendations are going to make a sea change in conferment of ACP and selection grade and super time scale to the judges. Hon’ble Commission has taken into consideration the issue of increasing remuneration even of Special Judicial Magistrates. Since 1996 we are governed by master pay scale and are in habit of considering pay within the compass of master pay scale progressing from one stage to other stage. The system was changed for the government employees after implementation of 6th pay commission. All India Judges Association then requested J. Padmanabhan committee to make similar changes however it refused to accept arguments of the All India Judges Association for increment at the rate of 3% on the pretext that the committee was directed to fix the pay as per the recommendations of 1st National Judicial Pay Commission. This has caused perpetual loss to the judges and therefore, after implementation of recommendations of J. Padmanabhan committee in the year 2013, the All India Judges Association planned to file a Writ to get a full- fledged pay commission. The result of the steps taken by All India Judges Association are apparent with the benefits flowing from the recommendations of 2nd National judicial pay commission.
Actively associated with Association since more than a decade. He also represented the Association before Justice Padmanabhan Committee and 2nd NJPC. Presently, working at Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Mathura.
Very active office bearer of the Association. Functions as a bridge between senior and junior member of the Association. Actively represent the Association at all forums at Delhi.
Additional District and Sessions Judge, Delhi. Delhi Higher Judicial Service. Joined Delhi Judicial Service in year 2003. Served Delhi Judicial Service Association as Honorary General Secretary for four years. Zonal secretary of All India Judges Association.
Gaurav Dahia
On Friday, the Chief Justice of India NV Ramana spoke at an event organized to celebrate the 72nd Constitution Day in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Law Minister Kiren Rijiju and other judges of the Supreme Court. Here's the Full Text of his Speech "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA", gifted ourselves the Constitution 72 years ago, to run our Republic as a liberal constitutional democracy. After intense and illuminating debates spread over nearly three years, the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution on this day in the year 1949. This is an occasion to recall the sacrifices made by countless patriots in India's freedom struggle. I feel privileged and honored to stand here and pay tribute to the freedom fighters who liberated us from colonial bondage. The struggle for freedom was aimed at emancipation, not merely political - but social and economic as well. I bow to the memory of the members of the Constituent Assembly who selflessly worked day and night to present to the world one of the most modern, progressive, and scientific documents of the 20th century. I am proud that most of those who contributed to the framing of our Constitution belonged to the legal fraternity. They were also in the forefront of the freedom struggle.
Prior to independence the District Judge invariably used to be Member of Indian Civil Service and his position in the District was superior to that of the District Magistrate. The Magistrates also used to hold a dignified position in the services. After independence framers of the Constitution in order to maintain the dignity of the trial Judiciary provided for All India Judicial Service so that the service conditions of the cadre of District Judges should be distinctly formulated. This desire of the framers of the Constitution is yet to be implemented. Since adaptation of the Constitution various law commissions expressed the need of having Indian Judicial Service. However as the Administration of Justice and organisation of Court was a State subject, nothing could be done in this regard.
The service conditions of the judges deteriorated and continue to deteriorate. The District Judge, who initially was a dignified officer enjoying more respect and power than the Collector of the District has now become an Officer enjoying huge Judicial powers and officiating duties but not having any sort of amenities such as vehicle for conveyance, sufficient staff for administration and sufficient funds to run the office in dignified manner. Position of a judge at grass root level was worst. The judges however continued to impart their duties in a dignified manner to deliver justice in this difficult situation.
Considering the plight of judges all over India some kind hearted fine brains of Judiciary came togather to agitate the issue of poor service conditions of the Judges. All India Judges Association was formed with following objectives:
The Association was registered in 1985. Nobel executives of the Association use to come together to work out a solution. Finally in the year 1989 the historical write of 2202 of 1989 was filed before Hon'ble Apex court. Following relief were claimed in the said write;
He is leading the Association from the front. He has worked as President Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Mumbai, Principal Government Law College, Mumbai and other coveted Judicial posts. He has actively represented the Association before Justice Padmanabhan Committee and Second National Judicial Pay Commission.